The number one cause of death among infants is drowning. Well meaning but neglectful parents fail to child-proof their pool decks and patios. Some parents are thinking ahead. These babies in full clothing incredibly know how to swim to survive. Instinct? No. They’ve been provided swimming lessons to learn …
Need a ride? An Impala (African antelope) hitches a ride with a tourist’s SUV in order to avoid being hunted down by lightning fast cheetahs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD6wdrVFc0g Awesome video footage of the impalas jumping the road with the cheetahs chasing them only for one of the impalas to return to jump …
You Asked For It
Selfies Cause Crash
Reports have revealed that a pilot taking selfies may have caused a plane crash in Colorado that killed the pilot and his passenger. Recordings from a GoPro (on board) camera revealed that the pilot and various passengers were taking self-photographs with their cell phones and, during the night flight, using …
Fingers Are Your Paintbrush
Can you believe what you are seeing?! This artist is absolutely amazing! Did he study at an art institute? Is he just poor and hungry with an amazing gift? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQVBDa3SOp0 Although the name “fingerpainting” implies that the paint is applied with the fingers, expert use of this medium makes use …