Category: Animals
Play With Shelter Pets — Anywhere!
All your (cyber) pet dreams have come true! A website called now offers the ability to “play” with shelter pets online! Bringing much-needed attention to dogs, cats and other animals that are in need of a forever-home, you can go to the site, select the country, city, and/or specific …
Animals Loving Summer
Manatees Stuck in a Storm Drain
Odd Animal Pairings
Snake Devours Alligator
Penguins NEED Tiny, Knitted Sweaters (Seriously).
Cat Hug!
Need a ride? An Impala (African antelope) hitches a ride with a tourist’s SUV in order to avoid being hunted down by lightning fast cheetahs. Awesome video footage of the impalas jumping the road with the cheetahs chasing them only for one of the impalas to return to jump …