Category: Art
Insane Lettering Skills
Pancake Art All Week Long

Who knew breakfast could be so…artistic? Buzzfeed has helped brighten up another dreary Monday morning with a pancake video of all your favorite things–Grumpy Cat, sloths, a T-rex or two and everything else awesome–in pancake form, of course. Check out their delicious artwork for every day of the week!
The Most CUFBI Tattoo Fails Ever

A tattoo can be a beautiful, permanent way to show things that are important to you, commemorate people, or simply show off of your personality. There are some tattoos, however, that you can’t help but think, “What were they thinking?!” Here, we’ve put together some of the most embarrassing, funny and WTF …
Fingers Are Your Paintbrush

Can you believe what you are seeing?! This artist is absolutely amazing! Did he study at an art institute? Is he just poor and hungry with an amazing gift? Although the name “fingerpainting” implies that the paint is applied with the fingers, expert use of this medium makes use …
16 Crazy Hairstyles You’ve Never Seen

What exactly is Avant Garde? Call them what you will, but these 16 Avant Garde hairstyles are definitely eye-catching. According to Google, the term Avant Garde can mean one of two things. First: “new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them.” Or, second: “favoring …
Do You Didgeridoo?

Besides having a reputation for being “full of things that can kill you,” Australia is also known for a unique instrument–the wooden didgeridoo, sometimes also referred to as a “drone pipe.” This wind instrument, developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia around 1,500 years ago, is still widely today both in Australia and around the world. …
Terrifying Monster Art–On Sticky Notes!

With nothing but classic yellow sticky notes and a black pen, artist John Kenn Mortensen (who also goes by Don Kenn) has created countless “doodles” of monsters that can truly terrify. At first glance, many of the monsters appear furry, fluffy, and/or friendly–take a closer look, though, and the drawings …