Category: Cufbi
Can U Fn Believe It
Flying Waiters?
Fortune Telling, Told By “Rumpology”?
Everyone has heard of fortune tellers–from the cheesy TV ads to the neon, lit-up signs in strip malls, but the methods for classic fortune telling go way beyond palm reading and tarot cards. From chicken talons and parrots to “rumpology”, asparagus and entrails, fortune tellers in history have used a …
Paralyzed By Sleep
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night…completely unable to move. It’s terrifying, but a very real phenomenon. It’s been stated that nearly 8% of the general population experiences sleep paralysis. “Your mind wakes up, but your body doesn’t,” explains a researcher at the Sleep Paralysis Project. Most often occurring during …
Penguins NEED Tiny, Knitted Sweaters (Seriously).
Two Fetuses Found in Newborn Baby Girl
In Hong Kong, a baby girl was born with what doctors believed to be two fetuses. A CNN article reports, “Each one had four limbs, skin, a ribcage, intestines and primitive brain tissue, according to a study published this month in the Hong Kong Medical Journal.” The condition, called “fetus-in-fetu,” …
World’s Dumbest Criminals
Trojan Condoms: $750
Cat Hug!
The number one cause of death among infants is drowning. Well meaning but neglectful parents fail to child-proof their pool decks and patios. Some parents are thinking ahead. These babies in full clothing incredibly know how to swim to survive. Instinct? No. They’ve been provided swimming lessons to learn …