Category: Cufbi
Can U Fn Believe It
Play With Shelter Pets — Anywhere!
All your (cyber) pet dreams have come true! A website called now offers the ability to “play” with shelter pets online! Bringing much-needed attention to dogs, cats and other animals that are in need of a forever-home, you can go to the site, select the country, city, and/or specific …
Craziest Items Seized by Airport Security
Land Shark
Old Man Rocking Rollerblades Better Than You
A Hands-Free Tomato Feeding Machine, FINALLY
We’ve all been there: halfway through a long run and getting that powerful craving…for tomatoes. You’re not alone. A lot of people in Japan have apparently been struggling with the running/lack of tomato problem for quite some time now. Luckily, the Japanese juice company Kagome has come up with an invention …