We all remember when the video of Christian the lion and his reunion with the man who raised him went viral; get ready for version 2.0! It looks as if lions aren’t the only ones who can remember humans who have made an impact on their lives.
In this heartwarming video, a gorilla named Kwibi is reunited with Damian Aspinall, a conservationist and former caregiver for the gorilla. Damian was unsure how the reunion would go; after all, it had been five years since Kwibi was released back into the wild.
Luckily for Damian, his gorilla friend not only remembered him, but “introduced” him to all of the members of his gorilla troop! Not only that, but Kwibi refused to let Damian go and even followed him back to camp. Get the tissues ready–you can check out the whole video below.