Many of us have heard of the historic practice of doctors using leeches to help with many medical ailments, and to provide “blood-letting” as a way to improve circulation and help heal wounds. You’d think it was ancient history, right? Not so fast!
As recently as 2004, the FDA has cleared the use of medicinal leeches (Hirudo medicinalis). Yes, really! While not everyone will be lining up to get treated by this “natural” approach, perhaps a little throwback blood thinning is just what the doctor ordered!
And though leeches have certainly made a comeback in the medical field, here’s to hoping that none of these other remedies make it back to present day. Think drilling holes into skulls, over-the-counter cocaine, drive-by lobotomies and a whole lot more…see for yourself in the video below.
In some cases they actually use maggots. The maggots (sanitized of course) will eat the rotting flesh from a wound leaving the healthy flesh alone. This has actually saved people’s lives when there wasn’t any other way. There are a lot of people alive today because of them.
In some cases they actually use maggots. The maggots (sanitized of course) will eat the rotting flesh from a wound leaving the healthy flesh alone. This has actually saved people’s lives when there wasn’t any other way. There are a lot of people alive today because of them.
In some cases they actually use maggots. The maggots (sanitized of course) will eat the rotting flesh from a wound leaving the healthy flesh alone. This has actually saved people’s lives when there wasn’t any other way. There are a lot of people alive today because of them.