Woman Breastfeeds Puppy to Save it’s Life, Posts Pic on Facebook
A Spoof on a Warm, Fuzzy Classic Introduces Toddlers to the World of Zombies. And Parents Love It.
Wimbledon Tennis Balls Save British Mice

Tens of thousands of Eurasian harvest mice would die every year without the help of the Wimbledon Tennis Club and 1,000’s of used tennis balls from the annual championship. The Eurasian harvest mouse is a tiny, adorable rodent weighing in at around 4 grams (for comparison, an American nickel weighs …
An OS Woman “Married” the Eiffel Tower and Makes Love to the Golden Gate Bridge

Objectum-Sexuality, or objectophilia, is commonly described as “a pronounced emotional and often romantic desire towards developing significant relationships with particular inanimate objects.” For some who consider themselves as “OS”, thinking about having these relationships with another human being is completely incomprehensible. Instead, they form close emotional and even intimate relationships …
Corsets Shrink One Woman’s Waist to a Shocking 16 Inches!
Cop Trapped by Millions of Bees

Bees are in incredibly important part of virtually every aspect of nature. In addition to pollinating flowers, Bees also are largely responsible for the pollination of nearly one-third of all the food that we eat, including apples, broccoli, pumpkins and much more. In fact, “their role in producing better quality …
Woman Blinded Herself with Drain Cleaner – On Purpose…

After struggling with Body Integrity Identity Disorder, or BIID, 30-year-old Jewel Shuping poured drain cleaner into her eyes in order to “cure” her illness. What may surprise many people is that Sheping found a psychologist to help her go blind. After two weeks of intense therapy to make sure she was sure …
Colombian Drug Scopolamine, or “Devil’s Breath,” Eliminates Free Will

A single gram of Scopolamine, or “The Devil’s Breath,” can kill 10-15 people. When used in smaller doses, this odorless, tasteless drug can cause it’s victims to become like “zombies.” Those exposed even to Scopolamine in the air instantly lose their free will and become completely compliant to suggestions and requests–yet …