Brides By Force

Kyrgyzstan (formerly known as Kirghizia) is a Russian country located in Central Asia that has one traditional custom that has been causing serious controversy. Here “bride kidnapping,” while technically illegal, is a widely practiced phenomenon, in which young men abduct a woman of their choosing–oftentimes complete strangers—and take them to …
Bulldog Puppy Can’t Get Over His New Bed
16 Crazy Hairstyles You’ve Never Seen

What exactly is Avant Garde? Call them what you will, but these 16 Avant Garde hairstyles are definitely eye-catching. According to Google, the term Avant Garde can mean one of two things. First: “new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them.” Or, second: “favoring …
“Cheese” That Doesn’t Melt In Fire?
Do You Didgeridoo?

Besides having a reputation for being “full of things that can kill you,” Australia is also known for a unique instrument–the wooden didgeridoo, sometimes also referred to as a “drone pipe.” This wind instrument, developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia around 1,500 years ago, is still widely today both in Australia and around the world. …
Baby Elephant Tries to Wake Sleepy Dog to Play
Terrifying Monster Art–On Sticky Notes!

With nothing but classic yellow sticky notes and a black pen, artist John Kenn Mortensen (who also goes by Don Kenn) has created countless “doodles” of monsters that can truly terrify. At first glance, many of the monsters appear furry, fluffy, and/or friendly–take a closer look, though, and the drawings …
16 iPhone Tips You Should Know
Barreleye Fish Have Eyes INSIDE Their Transparent Heads

Mother Nature has brought a whole new meaning to being able to “see right through” someone–or something, in this case. More than 2,000 feet deep in the Pacific Ocean, the “barreleye fish” (or Macropinna Microstoma, if you want to get technical) hides no secrets from outside viewers in it’s pitch-black …