Mass Murder in USA Is So Common, There’s a Handbook On How To Watch News About It
10 Things Millennials Never Got To Do In School

Go into any school in the country and you will find some basic things that never change: desks, lots of books, teachers, and bullies are all in abundance along with cell phones, smart boards, iPads, and websites for homework assignments and online communications. But today’s Millennials and next generation parents …
What Does Your Stolen Identity Data Sell For on the Dark Web?
Quick History of Zombies in Movies and TV

From some of the fastest zombies in “World War Z”, to the slowest, adding nothing but distraction and occasional mayhem zombies in “The Walking Dead”, to hilarious zombies in “Shaun of the Dead” to classical, more traditional well-spoken zombies in “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies”, and countless brain-dead rip-offs, zombies — …
Chopstick Gets Lodged in Toddler’s Brain

Parents have a lot of “worst fears” when it comes to their children. It seems everywhere you look, there are dangers for young kids; a bathtub, the electrical outlets, balconies, stairways and just about everywhere else, there’s dangers lurking. But what about the dinner table? For one unfortunate couple, playtime became …
Starbuck’s Cups Now Becoming Pop Art – Merry Christmas Still Missing
Preserved Human Hand Found in Cottage Wall

After tearing open a wall in a Castleton, North Yorkshire cottage, the owners came across a little more than old wiring and plumbing lines. Nestled into the wall was a mummified hand that’s believed to have magical properties. As the world’s only known “Hand of Glory” still in existence, it was as …
5 Year Old Girl Drummer Crushes System of a Down “Chop Suey”
Cops Took More Cash and Property From Us Than Burglars Last Year

2014 was a great year for cops, financially anyway. According to Institute for Justice, for the first time ever, law enforcement officers took more cash and property from American citizens than burglars last year. Most Americans don’t realize it’s possible, but using what’s called civil asset forfeiture, cops can take …